Evolution Ltd Was founded in UK since 2001 and has established a branch in Egypt in 2019
Evolution Ltd Was founded in UK since 2001 and has established a branch in Egypt in 2019

Written by Ahmed Hassan

Evolution Ltd Was founded in UK since 2001 and has established a branch in Egypt in 2019.
Selica Int. LTD has grown to be a large comprehensive enterprise in the UK dealing with international trade helping the formation of UK corporations abroad and vice versa. Since then, the company has experienced considerable growth due to its ability to identify the need for, and to develop and provide specialist tailored services.
Now Selica International for Innovation & Evolution Ltd covers international companies’ establishment services, business training and development, Business Consultancy, translation and localisation services and the provision of private education and contractual teachers and tutors to schools and colleges. Knowing that all our Services are provided Globaly
Our goal is to continuously evolve and provide the service users with high quality services and develop into a strong enterprise group that makes every effort to satisfy both our international and domestic customers’ full range of needs and expectations.


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