US ambassador attacks Trump in isolation session .. The President describes it via Twitter as "bad"
US ambassador attacks Trump in isolation session .. The President describes it via Twitter as "bad"
سفيرة أمريكية تهاجم ترامب فى جلسة العزل..والرئيس يصفها عبر تويتر بـ"السيئة"
Former US ambassador to Ukraine, Mary Jovanovich, attacked US President Donald Trump during the isolation session, stressing that her decision to sack "had an impact on other ambassadors." .
Jovanovic's attack was part of her testimony at the second session of Trump's impeachment in Congress. Has affected the morale of other ambassadors serving in US embassies around the world. "
According to a CNN report, Trump's advocates believe the president has the power to appoint and remove ambassadors at will, as stipulated in the constitution. Trump described himself as "the absolute right of the US president to appoint ambassadors" in a tweet published during Jovanovic's testimony.
Asked by Democratic Representative Dan Goldman whether she saw a president remove an ambassador for no reason, or on allegations that the State Department accused her of lying, former Ambassador Jovanovic replied that she had never heard of a similar situation in her life


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