Cooperation protocol signed between Arab News Agency and Zebra Hotels in Rwanda
Cooperation protocol signed between Arab News Agency and Zebra Hotels in Rwanda

Under the fruitful cooperation during the era of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi of the African Union and the fruitful cooperation between Egypt and Rwanda under President Paul Kagame, an agreement was reached between Dr. Hassan Emam, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. GAKUNDE VEDASTE, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director / IRABONA AUBIN in the establishment and organization of concerts and cooperation in the establishment of a center. The Arab States News Agency and the agreement on religious and educational tourism and the hotels of Zabra, Rwanda is the headquarters of the Agency has been agreed on the work and organization of international conferences in Rwanda and Egypt

zebra tourism hotel


whats app :+250788547115

Address :Gasabo,Kimihurura,Kigali,KG6 AV 5 under RDB


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الرى تزيل 281,580 ألف مخالفة على النيل والمجارى المائية منذ 2015

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