First Lady: Women should take lead in stablising families
First Lady: Women should take lead in stablising families
First Lady Jeannette Kagame delivers her remarks at the General Assembly of RPF Inkotanyi Women League at Intare Arena in Kigali on November 10, 2019. / Emmanuel Kwizera

First Lady Jeannette Kagame called on women members of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) Inkotanyi to leverage their positions to play a key role in building a strong and secure family.

She was addressing close to 2,000 members, on Sunday, during the General Assembly of the RPF Women’s League at Intare Conference Arena in Rusororo.

“Women pay attention to detail which allows them to see problems that sometimes cannot be seen by everyone else, but also enables them to find ways to address them,” she remarked, asking members if they are still characterised by that principle.

Mrs. Kagame urged women to go back to the drawing board, to use their positions to find solutions to challenges and problems faced by families.

“In our culture, if one vowed to do something, they would not be asked what they know, what they own or what they do. Instead, they would be asked what they did for others. This is what should characterise us,” she said


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