KTRN invests $10m in 4G network upgrade
KTRN invests $10m in 4G network upgrade
Daeheak AN.

Korea Telecom Rwanda Networks (KTRN), has embarked on a 10 million USD nationwide 4G upgrade project; to ensure better internet connectivity and capacity.

KTRN is so far the country’s sole distributor of 4G LTE (fourth-generation Long Term Evolution) internet.

According to a press release from the Internet company, the move is meant to among others solve network challenges that 4G users in Rwanda have been experiencing recently.

As of 2018, Rwanda’s 4G network coverage was above 95 percent, with internet penetration rate (the number of people using internet per total population) at 46.4 per cent.

The upgrading, which is already in process, is divided into two phases; network upgrade (software/optimization) which will run until December 15, and Advanced new LTE+ service in Kigali and other busy towns which is slated to be concluded by March 2020.

Daeheak AN (Aaron), KTRN’s Chief Executive Officer said the initiative will ensure improved quality of advanced internet.

“We are striving to continuously improve the quality for all-time-access to advanced internet (4G LTE+) with an affordable price.”

“This will trigger another innovation and ICT development in Rwandan's daily life and new business opportunities to many start-ups; that aligns well with our vision moving forward,” he said.

In January, KTRN alongside its partners launched unlimited 4G services for smartphone users; which have been purposely, made affordable to benefit many, in line with the recent trends in smartphone penetration in the country.

Mobile penetration stood at 78.1 per cent in 2018, up from 76.5 per cent in 2017, according to figures released by Rwanda Regulatory Agency (RURA).


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