السيسى يلتقى جونسون بـ"داوننج ستريت" والأمير وليام بقصر باكنجهام Today .. Sisi Johnson will meet "Downing Street" and Prince William at Buckingham Palace
السيسى يلتقى جونسون بـ"داوننج ستريت" والأمير وليام بقصر باكنجهام Today .. Sisi Johnson will meet "Downing Street" and Prince William at Buckingham Palace
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will meet, today, London time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the British government headquarters in Downing Street, as part of his visit to the British capital London, where he participated in the British-African Investment Summit yesterday.
It is the second visit of President Sisi to him since he assumed the presidency of the Republic. The first visit was in November 2015, during which he held a meeting with former British Prime Minister David Cameron.
During his talks with British Prime Minister "Johnson", Sisi is scheduled to address ways to enhance bilateral relations in all economic, commercial and investment fields, in addition to a number of regional and international issues of common concern, developments in Libya and efforts to combat terrorism and extremism in the region.
On the other hand, President Sisi will meet, on Tuesday, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, at Buckingham Palace


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