EDITORIAL: Obstacles to gender equality are what needs to be addressed, not promises
EDITORIAL: Obstacles to gender equality are what needs to be addressed, not promises

The Global Gender Summit, this time organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), is taking place in Rwanda, the first time it is held on African soil. It brings over a thousand participants from the crème de la crème in gender advocacy.

The meeting could not have found a more fitting venue as Rwanda is up there among countries that take gender equality seriously.

That could not be said of the same of many male-dominated societies, even though it has been proven that in most cases women are the backbones of their families.

A recent study conducted in South Africa came out with outstanding results; 64.2 per cent of mothers “… were primary, sole, or co-breadwinners for their families”. The picture is likely to be similar in other countries.

Developed countries are not spared as well. In America, this “new normal” is most prevalent among African American and other minorities where it is estimated that two-thirds of breadwinners are women.

So it was shocking to learn that in Africa, despite the role women play in their homes, 70 per cent of them are financially excluded. In fact, they are facing a phenomenal $42 billion funding gap which AfDB has pledged to tackle.

But much more needs to be done beyond pledging; concrete actions need to be taken. As long as there is no level playing field among gender in all communities - regardless of their traditional and religious beliefs, similar “gender” meetings will come and go and the hardworking women will continue to suffer in silence.


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