USAID Partners EA Bloc to Fight Poachers
USAID Partners EA Bloc to Fight Poachers

THE United States Government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has rallied with East Africa Community (EAC) partner States to safeguard wild animals against poachers as well as the landscape.

That was said here yesterday by USAID Kenya and East Africa Environment Office Director, Ms Aurelia Micko, adding that success of the programme dubbed 'Conservation and Management of Natural Capital in East Africa' would mean improved collaborative management and conservation of the trans-boundary natural resources, reduced wildlife poaching, trafficking, and increased citizens' perception on the value of living with wildlife harmoniously in their communities.

She further said that EA of vast attractive landscapes, warm weather, and the big five - buffalo, elephant leopard, lion and rhinoceros animals, which attract tourists, and hence must be protected.

Historically, EAC is widely known as the place where human life first began and thus worth preservation for researches and related studies.


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